A HIPAA compliant calendar based mileage tracker.
Milelogix uses your existing software based calendar to generate a report detailing mileage and drive-time for every session scheduled.
Milelogix is fast, simple and easy to use. Unlike convoluted mileage tracking systems there’s no training required to get started.
Did you know that addresses are considered one of the 18 types of personal health information (PHI) that are covered under HIPAA? Submitting addresses to consumer grade mapping software like Google Maps and Microsoft Bing Maps potentially exposes your organization to the risk of a HIPAA violation. That’s why Milelogix uses an in house mapping engine to calculate mileage and drive time, so you can rest assure your client PHI is not being exposed.
Milelogix runs on the Google Cloud Platform - a HIPAA compliant cloud provider. We use the highest grade encryption algorithms to protect your data in transport and at rest.
ABALogix is fully committed to maintaining the privacy of your clients' PHI. Your calendar data is not shared, sold or transferred to third parties in any way shape or form.